A competition entry for a new ticket booth and urban park, Times Square, New York. A proposal for an urban resonator that emits what it receives. A kaleidoscopic absorber.
A mass of hedges is cut by scissored paths, stitching Broadway to the city grid. The hedges are trimmed at an angle for sun exposure. An anechoic maze for queuing is formed. Forty-six origamied steel planters carry the hedges. The hedges are armored-grown through chain-link cages. Gates, placed between planters are left open or are closed to regulate the length and movement of the ticket buyers line. As one moves North through the paths, the density of the hedge mass grows until it forms the “walls” of an outdoor room for the existing statue of Father Duffy.
The ticket (tkts) booth, a pleated steel building is the destination of the maze. The booth is turned in towards the south, so that the eleven ticket windows face the interior of Father Duffy square and act as the fourth wall of the ‘outdoor room’. The pleats soften on the 47th Street facade, to form a steel curtain that is lifted, slightly in anticipation, and glowing at night. Signage listing the evening’s schedule of performances flank the East and West faces of the booth. The perforated steel crown radiates the tkts logo. The geometries for all the components of the ticket booth shell, the steel planters and gates are developed—rolled and folded from flat patterns. A 29’ high by 2’ diameter resonating cone, placed at the Northwest corner of the site, pivots to the height of a visitors ear. “Meet you at the cone”.